Career Day PostdocPerspektives. Qualifications and Careers in Academia

Ausschnitt eines Stadtplans in grün & weiß / Detail of a city map in green & white Ausschnitt eines Stadtplans in grün & weiß / Detail of a city map in green & white Ausschnitt eines Stadtplans in grün & weiß / Detail of a city map in green & white © Marie Maerz/

The career day “PostdocPerspektives. Qualifications and Careers in Academia“ is entering its fifth round this year - on 28 November, with an extended programme for all doctoral candidates and postdocs on the different stages after the PhD and before getting a professorship. And we offer special impulse on peer review!

The career day “PostdocPerspektives. Qualifications and Careers in Academia“ is entering its fifth round this year - on 28 November, with an extended programme for all doctoral candidates and postdocs on the different stages after the PhD and before getting a professorship. And we offer special impulse on peer review!

Do you have questions about the postdoc phase or subject-specific paths to a professorship? Are you interested in support options and wondering how you can organise your own academic path? Are you currently applying for (junior) professorships?

Then we cordially invite you to attend our fifth career day ‘Postdoc Perspectives’ to find out all about qualifications and career paths in academia, to get different perspectives on qualification paths and employment opportunities towards a professorship, to exchange ideas with our speakers, including postdoc representatives from Leibniz University - in discussion rounds with experience reports from postdocs and professors. If you are applying for a professorship, our workshop on selection and appointment procedures is just right for you, and our keynote speech on peer review, the main currency in academia, is for everyone.

It is all in German, but questions in English are allowed and more than welcome. We look forward to chatting with you over coffee, wine and lemonade!

Please register using the form at the bottom of the page!

Venue: Königlicher Pferdestall, Appelstraße 7


"First audition? Applying for (junior) professorships"
Trainer: Dr. Dieta Kuchenbrandt

(Working language is German!)

Individual consultations
(13:45 - 16:45h)

Dr. Dieta Kuchenbrandt
Welcome with snacks and drinks

"Postdoc - and now? Transition and entry"
Round table with postdocs and representatives of relevant service organisations
and postdoc contact points at Leibniz University

Coffee break


"Qualification paths to a professorship"
Round table with professors and representatives from appointment management
and the presidential board of Leibniz University


"The value of knowledge: peer review in research funding and publication"
Keynote Speech by Dr. Oliver Grewe, funding officer, VolkswagenStiftung

Details about the offers

  • 10-13:15h: Impulse Workshop "First audition? Applying for (junior) professorships"

    Dr. Dieta Kuchenbrandt, schainundkuchenbrandt


    The aim of the short workshop is to inform you in detail about the most important phases of the appointment procedure for (W1 to W3) professorships in Germany and to provide you with some assistance and tips for your applications. The workshop will first deal with the procedure and formal aspects of the appointment process. Subsequently, all central application documents (especially CV, cover letter, concepts) will be discussed and partly illustrated with sample materials. In the third part, the expectations and requirements in the hearing before the appointment committee as well as important preparation steps are discussed. You will receive tips on how to organise your academic presentation and teaching sample. In addition, the most frequently asked questions and topics in the committee interview are presented. The aim of the short workshop is to give you an initial overview of the topic. Following the short workshop, you will have the opportunity to take advantage of a 20-minute individual counselling session, for example to have your current application documents checked or to discuss further individual questions.

    This workshop is an online workshop for which we will send you the link in good time when you register. If you would like to take part in the workshop ‘in person’, i.e. in the ‚Pferdestall‘ (Appelstraße), where the Career Day will continue at lunchtime, please let us know when you register. It is possible to participate on site, but only after prior preparation.

    Following the short workshop, you will have the opportunity to take advantage of a 20-minute individual counselling session, for example to have your current application documents checked or to discuss further individual questions.

    Please note that the workshop is in German!

  • 13:30-14:45h: "Postdoc - and now? Transition and entry" (Round table)

    Postdocs from various departments at Leibniz University Hannover report on their first steps as a ‘postdoc’. In the discussion, we will summarise these experiences and consider together which things are particularly important and helpful in the transition from completing a doctorate and entering the postdoc phase and which hurdles prospective postdocs should be prepared for.
    The discussion will be complemented by representatives of various service organisations and contact points for postdocs at Leibniz University, who will present their services and add their own perspectives on the most important aspects of starting a career.

    Questions and contributions of your own experience are welcome!

  • 15:15h-16:45h: "Qualification paths to a professorship" (Round table)

    Professors from various departments at Leibniz University Hannover talk about their careers and the paths they have taken to qualify for a professorship. The different perspectives help to paint a multi-layered picture of qualification paths and career models.
    The discussion will be supplemented by contributions from a representative of the appointment management team and from our Director, Prof. Dr. Joachim Escher, who is also Vice President for Human Resources Development and Appointment Matters and can tell us a lot about the paths, careers and imponderables.

  • 17h: "The value of knowledge: peer review in research funding and publication" (Keynote Speech)

    The lecture offers an introduction to the historical background and the resulting logic of peer review, the standard procedure in science for selecting people for publications and in research funding. The effects of the widespread use of the peer review process and its advantages and disadvantages for science will be discussed.
    The lecture thus sheds some light on the black box of peer review, invites deeper reflection on the review system and provides food for thought for the further development of evaluation procedures in science. The lecture will be followed by a discussion with the audience.
    Dr. Oliver Grewe is a funding officer at the VolkswagenStiftung and has extensive expertise and experience with peer review. He is also an independent coach and trainer and will give the lecture in this capacity.


November 28, 2024

Career strategies, types of employment and qualification paths in science