We offer...
- all Ph.D. candidates at Leibniz University Hannover a comprehensive programme of support to help them realise their thesis project.
- in addition, numerous training and qualification options for young academics.
- a wide range of information and transdisciplinary advice on the issue of doctoral studies at Leibniz University Hannover to all those with an interest as well as on further steps in academic and non-academic careers.
- a coaching and a mentoring programme.
- networking opportunities outside of the faculty for young academics.
We want...
- to promote a cooperative, trans-disciplinary and international culture within doctoral studies at Leibniz University Hannover.
- an inter-faculty forum for exchange and continuing education.
- to create an ideal environment for putting candidates' research plans into practice and not least
- to increase the appeal of Leibniz University Hannover for Ph.D. candidates and Postdocs on a national and international level.