Graduate Academy Our Offers
Qualification Workshops

Qualification Workshops

These days, academics must research, manage, teach and be able to get "the bigger picture". However, many skills relevant to professional life do not simply come naturally whilst undertaking doctoral studies. It must be acquired otherwise. This is why the Graduate Academy has a well-honed range of extra-disciplinary courses available for academics. We provide - in collaboration with other service facilities of Leibniz University Hannover- a programme of courses and events especially tailored for young academics.

Unless otherwise stated, all workshops are held in German. If an English-language workshop offer is required, do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to try to implement this in consultation with the trainers and participants. Also, please do not hesitate to contact us for thematic workshops that are to be carried out for already established Ph.D. groups or other work teams (minimum 8 people).

Note: Generally, the Graduate Academy uses the “first come, first served” principle, so the participants for the workshops are placed in order of the incoming registrations! If not otherwise stated the course language is German.

Please refer to the chart below for suited target group and costs. More information for each workshop is provided by clicking on the workshop title.

If necessary, please check the possibility to use the childcare services for employees and students at Leibniz University for attending our events.

Ein Gruppenbild in einem Seminar. - A group shot in a seminar. Ein Gruppenbild in einem Seminar. - A group shot in a seminar. Ein Gruppenbild in einem Seminar. - A group shot in a seminar. © Moritz Küstner/LUH
@Moritz Küstner/LUH
Valid Terms and Conditions for our Courses
Reimbursement of Fees by Institutes

Winter Term 2024/25

Doc = Ph.D. candidates Postdoc = Postdocs PP+ = Career Competencies and Professional Networks
Thema |
Zielgruppe | Target Termin |
Trainer/in |
I. Scientific Working Techniques
(Kurs-Nr. 2025/05_GA)
Course language: German
fully booked/waiting list possible
Doc Thurs. 20 +
Fri. 21st March
Prof. Dr. Daniel Wrede
Trainer, Coach, Dozent
Effizientes (wissenschaftliches) Lesen am Bildschirm
(Kurs-Nr. 2025/06_GA)
Course language: German
Doc/Postdoc Fri. 28 March Sergej Jost
Improved Reading
II. Organisational and Personal Skills
III. Career Orientation, Planning and Organisation

Further Qualification Courses by Dezernat 1 and Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)

Any questions?

Ein Mitarbeiter der Graduiertenakademie in einem Korridor. / A Graduate Academy Team member in a corridor. Ein Mitarbeiter der Graduiertenakademie in einem Korridor. / A Graduate Academy Team member in a corridor. © Moritz Küstner/LUH
Alexander Munzig
Assistant to the Management
Team Assistant
Wilhelm-Busch-Straße 22
30167 Hannover
Ein Mitarbeiter der Graduiertenakademie in einem Korridor. / A Graduate Academy Team member in a corridor. Ein Mitarbeiter der Graduiertenakademie in einem Korridor. / A Graduate Academy Team member in a corridor. © Moritz Küstner/LUH
Alexander Munzig
Assistant to the Management
Team Assistant
Wilhelm-Busch-Straße 22
30167 Hannover