The Graduate Academy financially supports graduates in their process of planning a doctorate with funding to elaborate a detailed research concept for a Ph.D. project. With a scholarship of 1,250 Euro per month (for up to six months), Ph.D. candidates are given the opportunity to carry out first research and to work out a dissertation proposal. The aim of this six-month scholarship is to secure further funding for the Ph.D. thesis.
Graduates and students on the verge of completing their degrees who are willing to earn a doctorate at Leibniz University Hannover can apply for this funding. Each application must include a letter of commitment from a university professor who is willing to supervise the Ph.D. thesis of the candidate and who provides the necessary working conditions. Above that, the (preliminary) registration and confirmation of matriculation at Leibniz University or a respective authoritative statement of the applicant is mandatory.
The selection criteria will include the academic qualification for earning a doctorate as well as the innovation potential and the general practicability of the Ph.D. project.
Applications for the Exposé Scholarship are possible biannual at the end of each semester. The deadlines for applications are March 31 and September 30, respectively. Within 6-8 weeks, subject-specific scientists evaluate the applications and the executive committee of the Graduate Academy decides upon approval/rejection of applications.
Funding is retroactively possible to April 1 (application deadline March 31) or to October 1 (application deadline September 30).
Within six weeks after the funding has expired, the applicant is required to present a report. The report should address the results achieved during the funding period and outline the next steps on the way to a doctorate.
For more information, please see fact sheet Exposé Scholarship below.
Submission of Documents
Please submit all documents (not stapled together, not with adhesive binding and not individually in transparent sleeves) to:
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Stichwort: Exposé-Stipendium
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover
Additionally, please send the completed electronic form and all further enclosures as one PDF file to
Visiting Address
Wilhelm-Busch-Straße 22
30167 Hannover
If you have any questions about the application process/submitting documents, please contact:
30167 Hannover

30167 Hannover

If you have any questions regarding the content of the applications or as a Ph.D. supervisor, please contact:

30167 Hannover