Friday + Saturday
3 pm - 6:30 pm + 9 am - 4.30 pm
Did you know that...
Like it or not, the world works on personal connections and you need to be able to form those connections easily. This workshop will provide you with the tools to make new connections to help you find jobs, information and collaboration partners effectively. Although people instinctively know that personal connections make a difference in many things, “networking” is often seen as ‘cheating’ in some way.
The methods taught will allow you to:
In summary, this workshop will teach you open, honest and easy methods to help bring the correct people together and so help everyone (including yourself) in the process. Moreover, you will learn how to determine the career that is right for you and stand out from the crown when finding your next position.
Workshop Style:
The workshop draws on the personal experience of all participants as well as that of the trainer; the agenda of the workshop is flexible and set by the attendees thereby ensuring that the training is specific for and relevant to the participants’ individual needs. The workshop will be a structured discussion forum to facilitate ideas and develop strategies.
The workshop will be very interactive. Expect to be asked lots of questions, expect to be challenged, expect to participate and expect to have fun!
This workshop takes place on campus.
You have to register via the registration form above. Once the Graduate Academy confirms the registration, it is binding. The workshop is free of charge. The terms and conditions listed within the registration form are valid.